Coping with Stress during COVID-19

Tips to cope with stress during COVID-19

1 PAUSE. Breathe. Notice how you feel

2 TAKE BREAKS from COVID-19 content

3 MAKE TIME to sleep and exercise

4 REACH OUT and stay connected

5 SEEK HELP if overwhelmed or unsafe

Times of crisis and concern can be hard for everyone. It is very important during these times that we remember to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. Above are 5 ways that the CDC recommends to help you cope with stress during this COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to take a break from the media and all things COVID related. Take time to focus on other things – such as hobbies, spending time with your family, reading a book, or whatever sets your heart on fire. Find what makes you happy, take a break from COVID-19 and remember to enjoy life. Youtube has some great free – home workouts, yoga, and meditation. All of which are great ways to help relieve stress and stay physically active during this time. Also make sure you are striving to get 8 hrs of sleep. 

Remember that if you are feeling down or in need of someone to talk to, please reach out to family members, friends or medical professionals. Times are tough and this is a new situation for most of us. Everyone is experiencing it differently. Some are still working, as if nothing has happened. Others have lost their jobs and don’t know what they are going to do. Please reach out and get help if needed. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Linked below are some helpful lines, if needed. Hope everyone is staying safe and well

Mental Health Line US : 800-011-511 : Available 24 hrs a day

National Suicide Prevention Line : 800-273-8255 : Available 24 hrs a day


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